All Patterns on Sale Now at
I understand how important it is for my customers to communicate updates specific to their order. With key holidays behind us and all orders out from our last delivery, we are committed to communicating the information relevant to your orders asap, and will be reinstating production for delivery of orders very soon.
For all enquiries in the first instance, please contact May
I will follow up with customers as soon as I possibly can.
Nerida xx
Nerida Hansen Sewing Patterns is winding down to a close.
There is a lot behind my decision to stop producing sewing patterns. It was something I really saw myself doing for a long time, and it is something I have enjoyed enormously. I have learnt so much, been incredibly inspired and it seemed to flow so well with the curation of beautiful fabrics.
I have decided to hand over ownership of my pattern copyright to a business who can do it justice, and I will be happy to be involved from time to time. They will be rebranding and developing their own ideas, so even though my patterns will exist I would love you to take the opportunity to purchase a Nerida Hansen branded sewing pattern for the very last time.
They do have a new home, but will be rebranded and whist I am excited to have been asked to provide creative direction from time to time I will not be associated with the new brand.
There will be more information soon on how to retrieve your PDFS, how to opt in to the new business how to use your gift/sewing pattern vouchers. But please don't worry, there is no need to rush, and I will not neglect my obligations to you.
Thank you to the thousands of customers who have worn garments from my patterns. Keep sewing them, I will always get the biggest warm hug from seeing you show them off.