Pre-Order Shipping Updates

Please note, the way we communicate shipping updates has changed.

We will now be sending weekly email updates to several customer groups, to provide you with more targeted information about the deliveries we are expecting.

Australian and New Zealand Customers:

For the next couple of weeks you will receive an update with lists of pending deliveries which are a combination of deliveries still from our HQ, plus the start of direct deliveries from our manufacturers. We hope it only takes a few weeks to have all orders coming direct to customers.

International Customers:

Any further deliveries will be made direct from factory, starting Monday 19th August. We will communicate weekly, to provide you with information about the timing of your delivery, starting today.

Thank you for your ongoing support x

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call Nerida +61 417 389355 in Australian Business Hours, or email Nikki at

Please keep in mind we are a very small team, and at times we can take awhile to respond to all emails.

Thank you!

More specific updates will be provided as soon as possible, however all orders from 81330 will be in print directly after the above orders for delivery starting late August.